m*m atelier

We are transmitting our original textile and products, from Nishijin, Kyoto to the world

July 28, 2010

The Philosophy of Getting Old, Getting Better

by izukuranaoto | 2010-07-28 13:21

July 26, 2010


by izukuranaoto | 2010-07-26 21:54


from iPhone

by izukuranaoto | 2010-07-26 21:47

July 22, 2010

HINAYA Kimono design team meeting 2010.07.22 Thu 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

New designs for the exhibition [HINAYA. Artisan's one of a kind Obi] at our own show room and [HINAYA] at the main branch of Mitsukoshi department store are all coming up.

by izukuranaoto | 2010-07-22 13:53

July 17, 2010

That is because we are all facing the same problems now.

When I was learning a fashion in Paris in the past, I was critical to "fashion shows" serving as a trade show.

I believe that it was useless to show clothes with the catwalk to get orders, meanwhile it has a bit of meaning to enchant the spectators and praising the works. And I still believe in it.

Then you might think that it is against my belief that Hinaya has been working so hard for collaborations with haute couture maisons in Paris lately.

It is clear to everyone that the fashion industry has been shifting its selling power from
haute couture → pret-a-porter and show → pre-season trade shows , and why Hinaya puts so much energy to haute couture now.

There was a chance to speak with a liaison office manager of one of major Japanese department stores when I was on a business trip in Paris.

He was very skeptical about the scheduling of haute couture shows.

"Why they show haute couture shows 6 months after pret-a-porter shows?", He questioned.

"Why do they show pret-a-porter show present 2010-11 fall&winter in Feb. to March, and then show haute couture in July as Paris collection?", He continued.

Haute couture, where its creation with originality will be shown off should precede pret-a-porter,
that makes sense and proper. I totally agree with the opinion.

Yes, haute couture is at its turning point now.

Many says that it has been held somehow because Chanel and Dior still do it.

When I was in Pairs this time, a journalist of Le Monde magazine asked me why I work with rather small maisons like On Aura Tout Vu instead of big maisons like Chanel or Dior.

Well, if I am totally honest, I could have said that "it is more practical",

but instead, I answered

" On Aura Tout Vu is a young maison. They serves as a very important role as a next generation of haute couture maisons. I am as old as they are, and I belive that I am also serving a critical role to sustain textile industry in Kyoto. We both have frames of old, traditional and cultural frames (sometimesrestrictions), and working everyday believe in the better future. That is we share and how we sympathize".

Sustaining houte couture in Paris→problem institution for the future is exactly what we are facing in Kyoto.

On Aura Tout Vu and Gustavo Lins both have the same recognition like us. And they have been working for it.

It may sounds like a Paradox, but that is why they keep showing new creations.

It simply draws a line between developing pret-a-porter or second/bridge lines.

I used a word "marriage of Kyoto and Paris haute couture" in the twitter the other day.

It may sounds very sweet, but its true meaning is actually opposite.

The fact that we are facing the same problem and challenges and share with them, then both of us mixed-match each values and strength, then move onward for the better.
This is what I mean.

Recently, many asked me why Hinaya receives so much "love calls" from maisons in Paris,

and the answer is fairly simple.

As I mentioned this before,

"That is because we are all facing the same problems now".

by izukuranaoto | 2010-07-15 10:31

July 16, 2010

"Hinaya's bests of Obi creations" show

will be held from Aug. 17th(Tue) to 20th(Fri).

by izukuranaoto | 2010-07-16 16:39

July 11, 2010

Le Monde Vndredi 9 Julliet 2010

La jeune griffe parisienne a presente,mercredi 7 juillet,une collection pleine d'excentricite qui a tape dans l'oeil de la pop-star amerucaine lady Gaga.

-Eux se battenet,avec un parti pris d'originalite pour la survie d'une vieille tradition francaise qu'est la haute couture,explique son PDG Izukura Naoto.Nous,nous faisons de meme pour un savoir-faire ancien,le tissage d'une soie exceptionnelle a Kyoto : il est naturel rue nous nous entraidions.-

Veronique Lorelle

avec EMIKO SANSALVADORE photo by Pierre Turyan

by izukuranaoto | 2010-07-11 14:09

2010.07.10 PARIS 1:00p.m. -GUSTAVO LINS

GUSTAVO LINS visited us in Kyoto in April and researched many textile of ours, then we went out for dinner.

He loved Yanagino, Japanese wine bar which I took as I thought he was going to like.

Besides our textile, he seemed really enjoyed to spent a time there.

That night, we talked a lot with my poor English.

GUSTAVO suddenly said "I will make a jacket for IZUKURA using the fabric by HINAYA" and "Pick your favorite fabric and send it to me".

I was very honor, of course, I immediately sent.

However, honestly.. I didn't expect at all it was going to be on time to my business trip this time for Paris in July.

GUSTAVO LINS must have been very busy, to have collection for men in June, for hautecouture in July.

But, today, I got the jacket which is in the pictures below as a gift from him in the restaurant in Paris!

Our textile has become perfect looking jacket by couture, Paris.

I was too happy to wait to put my arms through them, the silhouette was also so beautiful!

Besides the jacket, I was very happy that he kept his word to me!!

I take this which he has been making it to come true since April in Kyoto until July in Paris as a genuineness.

by izukuranaoto | 2010-07-11 03:37

July 10, 2010

2010.07.09 Paris 10:30a.m. -on aura tout vu

by izukuranaoto | 2010-07-10 17:47

July 9, 2010


Basicly, it's not a painting, not an objet, not a film or not a performance.
Memories, humor, rubbish, math, Japan..
Put many different elements as contrivances・・

To define all of them as an art is the Art.
I assume that is they want to say.


by izukuranaoto | 2010-07-09 15:08

July 8, 2010


18:30 SAKINA M'SA attended to the reception party for the new collection

21:00 VIP ROOM -on aura tout vu attended to the party to celebrate the successful

by izukuranaoto | 2010-07-08 22:00