It is very important for our company now to manage the balance between "Reality" and "Ideal".
One more thing, it is important to have "an axis of time".
Those are the keywords which we always keep in our mind.
Or, if we switch Reality and Ideal to..
"Present" and "Future", "Objective valuation" and "Self Content"..?
We would be able to adapt that concept to ourselves individually..?
The process to bring us the result would be enthusiastic..?
It is more important to learn the way how to find than the answer itself.
Therefore, the company ourselves or each other will stick to consider about the result by axis of time,
that is the guideline for the next plan.
What is your images of the access to success?
Probably, it might be the short cut, also reasonable to try to dedicate for the whole activation in
our company, not to try to win to be monopolistic for something.