m*m atelier

We are transmitting our original textile and products, from Nishijin, Kyoto to the world

August 10, 2010

Talking about the color of AKIHIKO IZUKURA

Many people say when people see products of AKIHIKO IZUKURA first time is..

It is beautiful with very original colors.

Many people mention colors more than design or the weaving.
They adore the colors by this vegetable dyeing.
I have known the fact but are we aware of our responsibility for that?

We, of course consider the colors when we produce our products.
However, that was just the reason the color simply beautiful, we want to make that color for the next season or sometimes we have to think this way, that is the color for the next season.
We must not the follow the most important point of the colors even we have had many admiration..?

I talked about this subject in today's meeting for new products.

From now..

Let's try to more fascinate people by colors, colors not just beautiful.
Make them touched by colors.
Let's try to be aware of the responsibility more, more and more to make the colors.

I talked about that subject.


We are going to explain more the reason of the necessity of the vegetable dying.

What is the transmission from the vegetable-natural dyeing from AKIHIKO IZUKURA?

To feel the colors from the nature and transmit to the garments.
To capture and show the colors from Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, in each seasons by vegetable-natural dyeing.

As Kimono is, it is the beauty concept to transmit the shapes and colors from each seasons to it.

We, do from dyeing to the garments in Kyoto, we can try to make an eternal fashion through the vegetable-natural dyeing.

That must be the "coloring" by AKIHIKO IZUKURA, I think.

I talked about that today.

by izukuranaoto | 2010-08-10 17:15